Hello and Happy New Year! I hope 2024 has found everyone feeling good, good, good! Epps HVAC Company has big things in store for 2024 as we grow into the local, family owned business people trust either as their primary HVAC company. Or, maybe as a company people can count on when they need service quickly but their normal company can't get to them. Either way ... we are here to help.
Part of being here to help is having the right licensing to be able to get the job done. A properly licensed contractor is the only type of contractor you want to work with in any field, not just HVAC. A licensed contractor understands how to implement proper installation and service procedures, performed to meet local building and safety code requirements. Licensed contractors are also the only type of contractor who will be allowed to legally permit jobs for local and county inspectors to complete code inspections either during rough in, or final stage of an HVAC job where permitting is required. Licensing is a way for states to be able to ensure contractors are educated in both how to perform their jobs and how to properly run a business. Licensed contractors are required to carry certain bonds and insurances that unlicensed contractors do not, making it safer to do business with a properly licensed contractor and for them to do business with you.
It is for these reasons, among others, Epps HVAC Company has obtained the Mechanical Contractors License for Packaged Equipment in the state of South Carolina. This license allows our company to perform work on heating and cooling equipment used for maintaining environmental conditions inside of conditioned structures for equipment up to 25 tons in size. More than enough to cover any residential home and most businesses. We have held an H3-1 Mechanical Contractor License in North Carolina for a couple of years now. With South Carolina so close to our home base here in beautiful Charlotte, just 20 minutes to the border of the two states, it was time for us to be able to offer "Comfort Through Education" by Epps HVAC Company, to the high country of South Carolina.
Please take a moment to share our website, our blog, FaceBook (Meta), Instagram, contact phone number, email or the best of all, a word of mouth recommendation for Epps HVAC Company with your South Carolina family, friends, co workers, church members or anyone else who is in need of a knowledgable, honest and reliable HVAC company. It would mean the world to me to have all of your personal recommendation when you hear of the need for an HVAC company. I love to see screen shots many of you send me on a regular basis letting me know you've recommended Epps HVAC Company in one form or another. I promise, I do not take these recommendations lightly and ensure you I will take care of your family, like they are my family.
Thanks for taking a moment to read the blog! I know it's not updated nearly enough and will try to do better with monthly posts in 2024. I know it'll make my Mother happy to see one per month so here we go! Welcome to 2024. Welcome South Carolina, we look forward to helping our friends, old and new. Welcome, welcome one and all!
CYF! (Change Your Filters!) Thats our mantra for the new year! CYF CYF! More to come on IAQ and HVAC air filtration in future blogs. Enjoy your weekend! Cheers!
